Introduction: Car Ride Games

About: I'm a self-proclaimed geek who likes computers, legos, and music.
These three games are my entries for The Are We There Yet Challenge, so if you like the games please vote.
My family and I play these all the time and are a great way to pass the time on road trips.

1. The Celebrity Name Game
2. The One Word Story Game
3. The Related Word Game

Step 1: Celebrity Name Game

This game is for 2+ players.

One person starts by saying a famous person's name- e.g. Thomas Edison.

The person clockwise from them says a person whose first name starts with the same letter as the last name of the last player's person, e.g. Elton John. Names cannot be repeated over. If you want an easier version, use fictional characters as well. (Bugs Bunny)

This goes on, Jessica Simpson - Stephen King - Kevin Rudolf - Richard Nixon - Nick Jonas - 
someone responds with a double letter - e.g. Jesse James from Nick Jonas.

At this point, double letters reverse the direction.

This can be done repeatedly like -Stephen Spielberg - Sally Struthers - Susan Sarandon and so on.


This can be made into a tournament: 

One candy bar. One Winner. Play like normal, but when someone can't think of a name, they're out. Narrow it down to one person like this, and the winner gets the candy.

Step 2: The One Word Story Game

This game needs 3+ players.

Writing Utensil 
Candy (optional)

One Checker
Two or more Players


This is a memory game. The Players go around saying one word to make up a story, the Checker transcripting it.
Everyone says a word, and when a sentence is over someone says "period""question mark" or "exclamation mark"
Usually I construct 4 or 5 sentences, and at the end, once the story has been written, each player is asked to retell the story. Each player gets a point from the script the Checker made for every word they retell in order correctly. Whoever has the least words correctly has to be the Checker for the next round. The person with the most could get a candy (I give Hershey's Kisses out).

P1. Once
P2. Upon
P3. A
P4. Time
P1. There
P2. Lived
P3. A 
P4. Stinky
P1. Malnourished
P2. Hedgehog
and so on.....

Step 3: The Related Word Game

2+ players
Writing device or pen and paper are needed for each person.

This game is about getting back to the original word you started with by thinking figuratively. 
One player starts a word. Everyone has to link back to that word in however few words they can get. 
The person with the shortest list is the winner, who gets to choose the word to start the next list. 
Player 1                       Player 2 
Grapes                        Grapes
Round                          Green
Ball                                Tree
Base                             Christmas
Military                          Church
Guns                             Wine
Grand Theft Auto        Grapes

Obviously, Player 2 would win.