Introduction: Cardboard Hovercraft: Powered by You!

About: I'm a college student who's favorite hobby is to learn everything about anything whenever I can. I'm a maker and tinkerer at heart, and I love modifying things and trying to change things (even when I have no…
In this Instructable i will show you how to make a hovercraft that is made of completely card stock, a thinner but sturdy variety of cardboard. It is very easy to make and great to have competitions with, just give each person a plan, let them build it, and compete to see who's hovercraft can glide the farthest. It is also very customizable and easy to make. It has no moving parts, to make it glide, hold it in the center of the body and throw it close to the ground, like if you were bowling. With some skill, you can make it glide up to 50 ft. Anyway, good luck and have fun!

This will be entered into the Gorilla glue contest so please vote!

Step 1: Materials

-Elmer's glue

Step 2: Draw the Plans

Use the picture below as your plans. I believe if you right click the picture, you should be able to print it. if not, use the mesurements written on the picture.

Step 3: Cut Out the Pieces

Cut out the pieces, like the picture below(picture 1). Take the main body and cut the tails and fold(Pictures 2-6).

Step 4: Intake

Take the trapezoid piece and fold on the lines. Glue the intake to the body like shown in the picture. Cut off the excess

Step 5: Tail

Fold the back of the body like the image below. Glue fin 1 and fin 2 to the back of the body. You can also tape the fins to the body. Refer to the picture.

Step 6: Your Finished!

Your done! To use it, you can hold the body, and toss it near the ground like you were bowling. With some practice, you can make it glide up to 50 ft. Have fun!