Introduction: Cardboard Scraps Box With Separators

This is easy to make and you can use any cardboard scraps you have at home. It is not very efficient to put small parts in this box with separators but you can put big tools such as screwdrivers and motors and tape.


Cardboard scraps

Glue gun

Glue sticks

Tape ( If you do not have a glue gun )

Knife or scissors to cut the cardboard

cardboard base

Step 1: What You Need

Like I wrote from before all you need is:

Cardboard scraps
Glue gun

Glue sticks

Tape ( If you do not have a glue gun )

Knife or scissors to cut the cardboard

cardboard base

Step 2: The Bottom of the Box

For the bottom of the box, you can pick any size you want, as long as you have enough cardboard scraps to go around it on the sides.

Step 3: Around the Base

Stick cardboard pieces together to go on the sides of the base.

Step 4: The Separators

Get some cardboard scraps that can you can stick together so they can fit inside the box you have just made and stick them together to make one long line. Put it in the box and glue it.

Step 5: The Small Separators

You can stick small pieces together or just cut it out by itself but just make small separators that can fit in the small space you have made. Push them in and secure them with glue.

Step 6: Extra Separators

Get some long pieces of cardboard and fit them into the big space left in the box. Paint it if you want and put your tools and stuff you need to sort out inside your new cardboard scraps box with separators.