Introduction: Cardboard World Map With Backlight

About: Electronics Hobbyist, Craft and Software Engineer.

I have made a Wall Mounted World Map with Backlight LEDs for my Work Table Wall. I have used basic household supplies to create this like cardboard,paper,led strip and paint.


1. World Map Stencil - International : India:

2. Cardboard Strips : Have cut 5 cm wide cardboard strips for support

3. Chart Paper : To Stick Continents Together

4. Glue

5. Black Paint

6. Double Tape

7. LED Strips (3 metre)

Step 1: Take the Stencil Stickers and Join It on Chart Paper Together

Stick the Stencil Stickers as they come in multiple parts

Cut all different continents

Step 2: Paint the Continents

Paint all cut continents with black paint to give it shiny look

Let it dry for 5-6 Hours

Step 3: Stick Cardboard Strips

Stick Cardboard strips to back of Continents using Glue to give then Support and also to create space for Led Strips due to their Thickness

First add Horizontal Strips ,in next step we will add Vertical Strips

Step 4: Add Vertical Cardboard Strips and Stick LED Strip Along Edges

Add Vertical Strips so we can Place the LED Strips along edges. These Vertical Strips add support to LEDs.

Stick them with Glue

Step 5: Add LEDs to All Continents

Make sure the Wires of LEDs are easily accessible

Step 6: Stick the Continents to Wall Using Double Tape

For this step you will need another person for help.

First connect the wires to main 12Volt Power Supply of LED

And then another person can add Double Tape and Stick it to the wall

Make sure to switch off the Power Supply.

Step 7: Light It Up

You can add LEDs Colour according to your choice.

Step 8: Makeover of Desk

It has given my desk an awesome look. It feels good to work around with such lights.

Check out how my desk space has transitioned before VS after

Thank You for Reading the Instructables and Hope you Like it.

Cardboard Speed Challenge

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Cardboard Speed Challenge