Introduction: Carmaboard: Carmageddon Board Game
Build your own Carmageddon board game to play! Includes papercraft Carmageddon cars (eagle and hawk) as pawns!
A player can win the game by one of the following conditions:
- Finishing the race by completing 3 laps
- Killing all pedestrians (the total amount of coins there are)
- Damaging each other beyond repair (max. 5 damage)
Design your own maps with the board cards, so each time you play you will have a different map with its own features like many damage squares, few pedestrian squares etc.
The game is scalable: You can print as many cards as you like and create more cars for more players.
Change the rules to give a little twist to your game: for example more pedestrians, less maximum car damage, less/more checkpoints/laps or more repair costs.
How to build and play Carmaboard is included in the manual!
>>> Download Carmaboard here <<<
You will need pepakura to open the .pdo files!
Download pepakura here:
Step 1: Build the Cars
- Cut them out, fold them (- - - = mountain fold | -- - -- = valley fold) and glue them together.
Note: The big spikes are double sided and the ends are folded outwards so you can glue them to the car.
Step 2: Dice
Step 3: Print & Cut the Cards
- Print the manual
and it should look something like this.