Introduction: Cartman Sign
This is just a simple Cartman sign that I made for fun. Its about 12.5 inches by 13.5 inches. I made the Cartman sign using a carving program called Aspire on my computer then carved it out using a CNC machine. Masked and painted it and all done. This is my first Instructable so bear with me. ;)
Step 1: Creating the Cartman Sign Using Aspire.
Using Aspire I made the rough vector outline of the Catman head. I then created some cutting paths for the CNC and lastly added some color just for looks. Gives you a better idea what the finished product will look like.
Step 2: Preping the Wood.
After the Cartman head looks like I want it in Aspire I need to get my wood ready. I'm using half inch MDF. It carves nicely and makes a nice sign. First thing I do is clean dust off the wood. Prime the wood so the paint sticks better, sand and paint. After the paint is dry. I cut a sheet of masking that will cover my MDF. This will make painting easier later. Make sure the masking is flat and smooth. No bubbles.
Step 3:
After your done masking its time to make the magic happen. I loaded my file from Aspire into the CNC machine and watch as the Cartman head comes to life. This is the fun part. After changing a bit and cleaning all the dust off, the Cartman head is ready for paint.
Step 4:
This is where the mask comes in handy. With the mask on I paint the black everywhere the CNC cut the wood. Everywhere that I want black that is. The mask keeps paint from getting on my first layer of paint that I already did. And with the mask there is no need to stay in the lines. I was never good at that anyway.....
Step 5:
When all the lines are painted like I want them I remove the first layer of mask. This will reveal the paint from before. I then paint my new color over the old paint layer and try to stay in the lines this time. The first pic. I paint the yellow part of the hat. When thats done I remove the next layer down of masking and paint that part light blue to match Cartmans hat. When thats done I remove the mask from the eyes and paint them white along with the teeth. Got to have nice white teeth right? When all the masking has been removed I go back over it and make any touch ups that I need to and your done. Cartman Head sign.
Step 6:
After all that work, its PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!
Thanks for looking at my first instructable.
You can see some of my engravings at
Thanks for looking at my first instructable.
You can see some of my engravings at