Introduction: Bird Feeder Slinky
Here is a neat little project i made with my daughter Cassidy for mothers day.
Its a Bird feeder made a slinky and either a piece of thick wire or you can use a coat hanger .
My name is Cassidy I made this bird feeder with my dad for my mom for mothers day.
My dad found this idea from and made it in my dads garage.
I got to use pliers,bend wire into a circle ,spray paint.
I got to work on a project with my dad and surprise my mom for mothers day.
Its a Bird feeder made a slinky and either a piece of thick wire or you can use a coat hanger .
My name is Cassidy I made this bird feeder with my dad for my mom for mothers day.
My dad found this idea from and made it in my dads garage.
I got to use pliers,bend wire into a circle ,spray paint.
I got to work on a project with my dad and surprise my mom for mothers day.
Step 1: Materials
1~ can black Rustoleum paint
2~ A good 4 feet of thick wire
3~ 1 pair of needle nose plyers
4~ 2 Original metal slinkys
5~ 2 bags of shelled peanuts
1~ can black Rustoleum paint
2~ A good 4 feet of thick wire
3~ 1 pair of needle nose plyers
4~ 2 Original metal slinkys
5~ 2 bags of shelled peanuts
Step 2: Proper Slinky Inspection
The first thing you need to do is to have a qualified inspector to make sure the slinky is in proper working order ... Cassidy did a great job of that ...
Step 3: Making the Loop
1st step~ is to bend the wire into a 12'' wide circle which you can use a metal can to wrap it around to get the shape.
2nd step~ is to bend a hook at the top of the circle you just made to use as a hanger for the feeder .
3rd step~ is to bend a small hook at the other of of the wire so it will latch together to complete the circle.
4th step~ is to bend a small hook on each end of the slinky so it will latch on the wire on both ends.
5th step~ Next is to feed the slinky around the wire and then hook both ends of the slinky to the wire at the top.
2nd step~ is to bend a hook at the top of the circle you just made to use as a hanger for the feeder .
3rd step~ is to bend a small hook at the other of of the wire so it will latch together to complete the circle.
4th step~ is to bend a small hook on each end of the slinky so it will latch on the wire on both ends.
5th step~ Next is to feed the slinky around the wire and then hook both ends of the slinky to the wire at the top.
Step 4: Painting
Next is to take the feeder outside and give it a few light coats of black paint .
Step 5: Finished Feeder
Now just hang it up on your favorite pole and fill it with peanuts in the shell and enjoy .