Introduction: Chain Lamp
Hi guys, This is an easy way to make your own lamp from an old (or new) chain
Step 1: Find Your Chain That You're Going to Use
In my case; my bike was stolen and so they cut my chain in half (sad sad me) But hey now i can make a cool lamp! any chain will do.
Step 2: Shape It
First start with the curve from the lamp. Put it in the shape you want and weld it together. After that make sure that you create a big enough circle that makes it stable.
Step 3: Over Kill
make sure that you weld more points at each chain so it can handle some more pressure
Step 4: Paint It and Assemble It
Now its getting difficult..... you have to choose which colors you are going to use :D not only for the paint but also for the wire and the bulb fitting.
good luck peeps!! greetings from the rainy Netherlands :D