Introduction: Change Mozilla Thunderbird's Start Screen

About: I'm a virtual aviator.
Just like how you can change the homepage in any web browser,Mozilla Thunderbird also allows you to choose a webpage to show in the message viewing area when it starts.This could be useful,you could make it show a news website and see the news.Then, when you click a link,Mozilla Thunderbird opens the link in your default web browser.

Thunderbird can be obtained from

Step 1: Open the Options Menu

Go to Tools>Options.It is at the very bottom of the menu.

Step 2: Change the Field

Now,erase the URL written in there and change that to something you want.Don't forget the http:// tag.
Then,click OK.This both applies the settings and closes the window.

Step 3: Done

This is so simple,I'll integrate it into some other computer-related instructable I post.Until then,enjoy this Instructable and this simple method.