Introduction: Chat Program
This is no fake, the CMD program that I will show you how to make is a chat program. You can message your friends or family in school or at home!
Step 1: Open Notepad
Press the windows button, then type notepad or make a new text document.
Step 2: The Code (1)
Type this into the notepad and save it as messenger.bat
@echo off
color 0a
title Chat Messenger
echo Hi, welcome to the chat program!
set /p username=Enter Your Name:
echo %username% had joined! >>join.dat
set /p message=Say:
goto :send
echo %username%: %message% (%time%)>> log.dat
goto :message
Either type, copy, or download from this link:
Step 3: The Code (2)
Type this into a new document and save it as receiver.bat
@echo off
color 0a
type join.dat
type log.dat
timeout /t 1
goto :read
Download Link:
Be sure to save this in the same folder as the other program.
Step 4: Try It!
Now just open both programs, type in your name, and say something. Boom! You just made a chat program. Now all you have to do to chat with others is share the folder with them! To share the folder... Right click the folder and press share. Now specify who on the network you are sharing it with and press apply and done. How this works is the messenger makes a document and the receiver reads the document and types it on the screen.