Introduction: Cheap 2*15W Amp Class T


First i'm french so sorry for my English ...

I would present you my little T-amp based on a MKll TA2024 board. This is perfect to recycle old speaker for example. 

If you don't know anything about the class T don't waste one more second of your life and => google : T-amp ( i'm joking )
If you want the synthese this class is the best : Sound quality / price / volume compromise, that we have now.

List of material :

-1 board MKll TA2024
- 1 x Switch type 202 
- 2 x RCA Panel mount
- 1 x Power supply 12V DC 2A 2.1mm
- 1 x spring terminal for speaker
- 1 x Panel mountDC 2.1mm 
- 1 Red LED + 1 resistor 680 ohms ( optional for Power On indicator  )

Board Characteristics:

10W @ 8Ω, 10% THD+N.
15W @ 4Ω, 10% THD+N.

88% @ 10W, 8Ω.
81% @ 15W, 4Ω.

Step 1: Electric Part

Wiring diagram ( So simple that even really beginners can do it ) :

This wiring diagram is in french so this is the translation :

Alim = power supply
vue dessus = top view
Led rouge = red DEL
HP= speaker
Bornier HP = Speaker connector
Boitier= case

Step 2: Made the Case

In my case, I chose only recycled materials. A square tubular steel and plywood.
But this step is optional because it's my case and i think you want your case with your design.

My piece of steel is 74*74mm and 150mm deep. My plywood is 15mm.

the first step is to cut the steel and polish it..

The second one is to made wooden facades.

Step 3: Final Assembly and Soldering

The last step is to solder all according to the wiring diagram and assemble your box around the components.

Step 4: Enjoy the Music

Put you music, and be proud of your first little amp which has cost you less than 20 dollars :)

and again sorry for my english !