Introduction: Cheap and Easy PacMan Digital Clock!

This is made completely out of items that you can find laying around at your house!

Step 1: Parts...

You will need:

- scissors
- hot glue and glue gun
- a used digital watch
- an oatmeal plastic cap
- some construction paper
- X-acto knife 

Step 2: Getting Ready...

Mark were you are going to cut out pac man.

Step 3: Cut!

Now cut out pac man!
Make sure you cut out a slot for the screen.

Step 4: The Skin...

This is easy, simply trace the pac man and cut him out again. But this time with construction paper.

Step 5: Glue in the Brains!

Now you just glu the watch onto the pac man.

Step 6: Glue on the Skin...

Make sure you align the skin right :)

Step 7: The Stand...

I just used left over scraps for the stand.

Step 8: Your Finished!!!!

Now you can just ask PacMan what time it is! challenge

Participated in the challenge