Introduction: Cheap and Easy Scribbling Pads
Everyone receives many items of junk mail that do not take long on their journey to the recycling bin. A lot of these items are only printed on one side - I keep these.
I also keep other single-side printed items such as 10 pin bowling score sheets and printer test pages.
Using slide binders left over from my very first Instructable I clip such items together to make useful scribble pads.
A4 Slide Binders - you probably have some of these already.
Several sheets of single side printed junk mail etc. You will definitely have these!
Step 1: Assembling the Scribble Pads
- Make a tidy pile of single-side printed pages with the unprinted sides uppermost. The maximum number of pages is determined by the capacity of the slide binder (typically 40 pages in the case of a 10mm binder)
- Slide a binder along the edge of the pile to securely clip the sheets together.
- Scribble, draw and outline fantastic ideas on the blank sides.
- That's it!
Somehow the binders cause me to make more use of the 'scrap' paper than if it was kept as loose sheets.
I have not had to buy paper or pads for several years using this technique, thus helping the planet and my bank balance!
My very first Instructable: 'Small Component Storage from Wash Pod Boxes'