Introduction: CheapGeek- Scrap Bamboo Art

About: Cheap... Geek
On vacation at my parents house- my brother, my Dad and I made some cane fishing poles.
We made them for our kids. My daughters- balked at the idea of using a low tech cane pole for fishing.
My nephews on the other hand, had no problem and got to fishing. My daughters came around and a good time was had by all.
I kept the remnants of the bamboo cuttings and took them home.
I thought I would use them for something.
Being bored and having a large blank spot above my bed, art it is..

Step 1: Gather Materials

Here's the stuff you need.
Bamboo or Cane, assorted lengths.
Goop (this stuff is awesome) or Hot Glue.
(I don't use hot glue- it burns the hell out of you.)
A bamboo/cane structural attachment thing. (In this case- a slat from a closet bifold door.)
1. Can- Clear non-yellowing spray coat.
(This stuff is awesome, anything you want shiny with a protective clear coat)
2. Isopropyl Alcohol. To clean and dry the bamboo.

Step 2: Prepare

You have to prepare the bamboo for use.
Use the Alcohol to clean the Bamboo. - It kills bugs, helps the glue stick and dries fast.
When the alcohol dries, you can paint.

Step 3: Paint

Take the bamboo and clear paint to a well ventilated area.
Paint the bamboo- wait 10mins. Paint again. wait 10 minutes.
Now the bamboo is shiny and the color is brighter and deeper. Because it's shiny.
The bamboo is also sealed against cracking, drying and bugs.

Step 4: Arrange and Glue in Place.

It's time to arrage your materials into some kind of design that may pass as "art."
Once you have the arrangement ready.
Use the goop to add a glop on the bamboo. Glop is a standard drop of Goop.
Place the bamboo glop side down on the slat.
Repeat until the all the bamboo is on the slat.
Note: Use a damp cloth to clean any stray Glop's.
Let dry for about 6hrs.

Step 5: Hang and Display

It's time to hang or display your art.
I chose to fill a blank space behind my bed.
I took advantage of two screws strategically placed and ready.
I hung the art on the screws.
I stood back and marveled at my art, and the great fishing trip memories it invoked.