Introduction: Cheapest Arduino Sd Card Module
Description :
The SD Card Module is used for transferring data to and from a standard sd card. The pin out is directly compatible with Arduino and also can be used with other micro-controllers. It allow us to add mass storage and data logging to our project.
SD Cards work only at 3.3V and both the power and I/O levels must be accommodated. The module we are going to make uses Only resistance for level shifting and a usually 3.3V regulator for power when operating from 5.0V but in my case i am only going to use the 3.3v from the arduino board .
Step 1: Material Planning
the items needed to run this project are:
1. Arduino Uno
2. USB Cable type A to B
3. Micro Sd Card
4.SD Card Adapter
5. Resistance (3.3k *3 + 2.2k *3)
6. lm117 (optionale)
7. capacitor (1*10uf + 1*100nf) (100uf) (optionale)
8- 1n4007 Diode (optionale)
9. male pin header
10.male jumper wire
11. Breabord
12. wire
13. PCB
Step 2: Hardware Installation :
The Arduino UNO versions:
The Arduino hardware pages on the official site shows the following pin names :
- Pin 10 : (SS) "Slave Select"
- Pin 11 : (MOSI) "Master Out Slave In"
- Pin 12 :(MISO) "Master In Slave Out " "
- Pin 13 : (SCK) "System Clock"
Connection to SD Adapter :
10 (SS) to CS
11 (MOSI) to DI
12 (MISO) to DO
13 (SCK) to CLK
Gnd to Gnd and 3.3v or (5v option A) to vcc
After completing the connection On the Breadbord, connect the Arduino to power supply with USB cable.
Step 3: Insert Coding :
You can try an example in the Arduino Library :
Open the Arduino software
Click 'file'
Find the 'example
'Click 'SD'
Choose 'ReadInfo'
Don't forget to change the chipSelect to pin 10 ;
Step 4: Upload Source Code :
- Upload the Source code .
- And Launch the serial Monitor .
" Don't forget to Select the right Port of the Arduino board "
- The arduino should work perfectly :)
Step 5: Additional Step for Shield :
This Step is for soldering the The circuit to a pcb for more practical uses .
I position the component in this perticulaire positions for a future Instructable , You can look for more practical position of the component for more easier soldering , i found some difficulty with the pins headers to fit the arduino board , i simple advise is to position the pin headers in a way they are in complete contact withe the female pins of the arduino test the connection then put some glue with a hot glue gone .
This a inscrutable for education only .
It's more practical and safer to buy an micro sd card module with FETS built in it for level shifting and a 3.3V regulator for power when operating from 5.0V .