Introduction: Cheapest Chromecast W/ DVI-D Monitor Setup (Google Cast's "Cast Screen / Audio" Support Only) - $2
How to set up your Chromecast to your DVI-D monitor
Step 1: Buy HDMI Female to DVI-D Male Video Adapter
Importer520 Gold Plated HDMI Female to DVI-D Male Video Adapter
Step 2: Plug Adapter Into Monitor
Step 3: Plug Chromecast Into Adapter
Step 4: Plug Chromecast and Monitor Into Wall Outlet
Step 5: Turn on Monitor
Step 6: Download Google Cast and SoundAbout
Step 7: Cast Screen / Audio in Google Cast
Step 8: Select Media Audio in SoundAbout*
*Do not select "Let App Decide"
Step 9: Select Your Desired ON Button in SoundAbout*
*Must be switched on every time you stream