Introduction: Cheese Pancakes

About: I'm a programmer from Siberia and the leatherworking is my hobby. I think the everyone deserves really high-quality goods and I'm trying to make them)

I want to tell you how to cook cheese pancakes with a brined cheese and herbs. This is a great option for lovers of savory breakfasts. It's super filling, very energizing, and great for satisfying hunger!

Also, this dish can be perfectly used as a snack for a lunch or a beer :)

Delicate, spicy, very unusual and really amazingly delicious.

I recommend to try!


For about 4 servings you need

Brined cheese (I have Brynza for example) - 250 g

Cottage cheese - 350 g

Egg - 1 pc.

Flour - 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons + a little for breading

Salt, pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil for frying - 2 tbsp. spoons or more

Greens - favorite to taste (cilantro, basil, parsley, dill). I used some cilantro and parsley.

Step 1: Combine Cottage Cheese and Brined Cheese

Combine cottage cheese and cheese. For convenience, I took a blender with a bowl and a plastic dough knife, but you can also mix manually with a fork :)

P.S. For extra softness and uniformity, the cottage cheese can be rubbed through a sieve beforehand, but I usually do not bother.

Step 2: Add Egg, Salt and Pepper

Drive the egg into the resulting mass.

Then add pepper for flavor, you can also add salt if the cheese is not salty enough. Be careful with the salt, because the cheese is often already well salted.

Step 3: Prepare and Add Greens

I decided to use parsley and cilantro, and you use your favorite greens.

First it needs to be washed, then I cut the stems using only the leaves (this makes pancakes softer). Then finely chop the greens and mix with the mass.

Step 4: Add Flour

Add flour and mix everything well.

If you have time, then you can put the mass in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes, then it will stick less to your hands and pancakes will be easier to form. But you can do without it :)

Step 5: Heat Oil Up

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

Step 6: Form Pancakes

While the oil is heating, form small balls from the finished mass, press them down and roll on all sides in flour.

If the mass sticks strongly to your hands, you can try to wet your hands and form balls with wet hands, but after the refrigerator it does not stick to your hands so much.

Step 7: Fry Cheese Pancakes in a Frying Pan

Put the pancakes in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until golden brown first on one side. Then turn over and fry on the other side.

The photographs show that one pancakes is noticeable in appearance, I experimented and made it without flour breading, just fried cheese and curd mass. In my opinion, it is slightly inferior in taste and holds a little worse, becomes lighter, falls apart. But in general, if you don’t want to bother with breading, then you can cook it like that, it also turns out very tasty :)

Step 8: Enjoy!

Cheese pancakes go well with sour cream, so I recommend supplementing the dish with this sauce. But in general, you can use any other sour cream sauce.

Serve with cherry tomatoes or other bright vegetables that will decorate your plate and add a great mood and vigor in the morning :)

Bon Appetit!