Introduction: Cheesecloth Ghost LED

In my robotics class, we learned how to solder. So, we used those skills to make an led Halloween project. Now that is has been tried and tested, I thought that I could teach you how to make a ghost yourself!

Step 1: Step 1:Tools and Parts



  • Wire strippers (optional)
  • Small Philips head screwdriver *(optional
  • Masking tape (optional)
  • Soldering iron
  • Solder
  • Solder cleaner
  • Wire cutters
  • Two sticks
  • Cardboard box
  • Two styrofoam balls (roughly about the size of your hand)
  • Modge podge
  • Cheesecloth (2-3 yards depends)
  • Pair of scissors
  • Thumb Tack

Total=about $25.00

Step 2: Step 2: Solder

Solder the parts that come in the kit. Plus, you can use the small Philips screwdriver to adjust the speed of the alternating lights. I forgot to take of the picture but, also solder two female to male wires and the battery case to the circuit. Note: DO NOT put the batteries in yet. For the female to male wires, I'd suggest soldering it the positive to positive and vice versa for the negative. If the wires are long enough you can connect the LED's now. If not the you can easily take another two pairs of female to male wires and hot glue it to the LED's.

Step 3: Step 3: Drill Holes and Hot Glue

Now you have to drill holes(preferably the size of the LED). Next hot glue the LED's into the eye sockets. then instal the circuit inside the skull.

Step 4: Step 4: Make a Stand

Next you need make a cross with the two sticks then make a hole in the styrofoam balls so that you can hot glue it on the stick.

Step 5: Step 5: Attach the Head

Then you hot glue or tape the skeleton head to the stick. In my opinion, I suggest hot gluing the head. Warning:Make sure not to burn yourself.

Step 6: Step 6: Drape the Cheesecloth

Next drench the cheesecloth in the modge podge then carefully drape it over the skeleton equally onto both sides(I suggest wrapping the styrofoam with tin foil if it is too rough). Once all dried up, you can then carefully remove the cheesecloth and ghost from the skeleton from the cardboard box and the sticks. If there is any leftover cardboard that got stuck to the cheesecloth, just simply cut it off with a pair of scissors.

Step 7: Step 7: Cut a Hole

Next cut a hole, thread either yarn or fishing line through through the slit then tip a big enough not so that it won't come out. Lastly you can tie the end of the yarn or fishing line to a thumb tack so that you can hang it up where ever you desire.

Step 8: Step 8: Enjoy Your Creation!

This is my finished creation but I would be pleased if you could tweak some minor issues. If you do please comment below what the project is called and I will check it out! Click here to see a short video of how the eyes on my project turned out. Other than that, happy building!