Introduction: Chessboard

For our Woodworking project, our team decided to create a wall chess board. The idea behind this design was to be able to hang up a nice piece of art, but also be able to play a nice game of chess at a person's leisure.
To begin our project, we sketched out a design and found specific measurements of our board. We sized each square accordingly so that it fits the chess pieces. Then our team found 3D printable chess pieces, and we printed them twice, in two different colors (clear blue and clear). Following the finished print, we measured the pieces again to be sure our measurements would work correctly. Once we finalized the measurements, we found two different types of wood (mahogany and plywood,) and began gluing the strips together. After we glued them together and let them dry, we cut the pieces width wise, so that we had multiple strips of wood, containing both types. After that step, we then glued the pieces back together, making sure the different types of wood rotated in position, like a chessboard pattern. Finally, we plained the wood and sanded the edges.


  • Three- 16x3 mahogany strips of wood
  • Three- 16x3 poplar strips of wood
  • Wood Glue
  • Tape Measure
  • Clamps
  • 3D Printer
  • Ruler
  • Graph Paper

Step 1: Design

  • Start by sketching your idea on a piece of paper
  • Decide the size of the entire board and the size of each block
  • (We chose 16x24 for the entire board)(We chose 2x3 for each block)
  • Then sketch out 8 rows and 8 columns that are equally measured
  • Choose two different colored blocks of wood (we chose mahogany and poplar)

Step 2: Build

  • Cut (4) 16x3 mahogany strips of wood
  • Cut (4) 16x3 poplar strips of wood
  • Use wood glue to glue the strips of wood together by alternating wood
  • Cut the pieces into eight strips of alternating wood colors
  • Use wood glue to glue those eight strips together so that the colors alternate for each row of squares
  • Clamp the pieces together and wait 24 hours for the glue to dry
  • Sand the surface of the chessboard to make it level

For the chess pieces:

  • You can either decide to use store bought chess pieces or if possible 3D print the pieces

Step 3: Test

  • The pieces stand neatly on the chessboard
  • There is ample space on each square for the pieces
  • The surface of the board is smooth