Introduction: Child's Wheelchair Tray

A student with Cerebral Palsy really wanted to carry her lunch tray like her friends.  When you need to use a posterior walker to walk, this is difficult. But, with a light weight board, some broom clamps and PVC pipe it became a possibility!

Step 1: Tools and Materials

We used a light weight rectangular board with a semi-circular cut out at the child's waist, four broom clamps, (two to clamp to the walker and two to clamp to the PVC pipe supports) .three pieces of PVC pipe with two elbow pieces.  The clamps were attached with two philips head screws each. The board was covered with contact paper for easy wipe up.

Step 2: Assembly

We first cut the board to be the same width as the walker and as deep as the lunch tray.  We then measured and cut the PVC pipe to be slightly shorter than the tray with two support pieces measured and angled to keep the tray level. We then added the broom clamps to hold the PVC pipe and clamp to the arms of the walker.   Since the board was thin we needed to add some small blocks of wood to hold the screws for the broom clamps.

Step 3: End Product

We used molding plastic to wrap around the leg of the walker on the lower end of the supporting pieces of PVC.  It worked great.  Lightweight yet stable!  She was very happy.