Introduction: Chocolate Mexican Coffee Cake

About: I like to cook and I blog about it. I love to garden and everything about it. I like listening to NPR and watching cooking shows. I have two sons. The oldest I put in collage and he is a Medical Assistant.
The process for making chocolate and cocoa powder is made by first grinding cacao nibs into a cocoa mass, which is then liquefied into a paste known as chocolate liquor. After the cocoa butter is forced out of the chocolate liquor by either a press or a special technique known as the Broma method, the remaining cocoa solids are processed to make fine unsweetened cocoa powder. Natural cocoa powder is lighter brown in color than Dutch-processed cocoa, tastes slightly bitter, and has a deep chocolate flavor.

Note this: "It is also very high in antioxidants (ORAC 629 umol TE/g)". ORAC is the acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. In other words it is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals in your body that work against destroying your body tissue.

Some popular brands of natural cocoa are Nestlé, Hershey's, and Ghiradelli. This recipe we are presenting uses Hershey's unsweetened coca powder and it was not alkalized as is Dutch-processed cocoa. Alkalizing cocoa powder reduces the ORAC in the chocolate. 

Unsweetened dark chocolate contains lots of polyphenols which lower blood pressure and is a natural anti-inflammatory. In 2000 a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the affect on blood flow from high flavonol cocoa was similar to taking a low-dose aspirin. These means that dark chocolate could possibly be used to treat ailments like minor pains or headaches.

Coffee: Has been proven to reduce risk for diabetes and Parkinson’s. It also stimulates enzymes that protect against colon cancer. It is Chlorogenic acid and it is one of the main caffeic acids found in coffee that has antioxidant properties. It’s also found in sunflower seeds, carrots, tomatoes and artichokes. Its ability to lower blood glucose levels may benefit those who have diabetes.

So now we can have some confidence that the Chocolate Mexican Coffee Cake, even though a dessert does have benefits for Your health.

Here is what you will need...

Step 1:

¼ cup of dark cocoa powder
½ cup of butter or 1 stick, soften
½ cup of olive oil

Step 2:

And not to forget one cup of strong brewed coffee.

Step 3:

First pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Over a med-high burner using a medium sauce pot mix all 4 ingredients and bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Step 4:

Add  the one cup of small marshmallows or the 24 large (depending which you are using at the time) allow marshmallows to melt; stirring to mix to incorporate well. Then set side.

Step 5:

Here are the dry ingredients...

2 cups of  flour
2 cups of  sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. cinnamon
2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla 
½ cup buttermilk

Step 6:

In a large bowl sift the flour. What is the purpose of sifting flour? Flour will compact during storage and handling. Sifting will allow for no air pockets in the cake and will prevent the cake from being lumpy. The cake will also be a lot fluffier.

If you don’t have a flour sifter you can substitute for a stainless mesh colander as is shown here in the first image. 

Next mix in the sugar, soda and cinnamon. Beat the eggs in a small bowl then add to dry mixture along with the vanilla and buttermilk.  

Step 7:

Add first batter mixture into the sauce pan containing the coffee-chocolate mixture. Mix util well incorporated.

Step 8:

Line a jelly roll pan with parchment paper and pour the contents of the sauce pan over the lined jelly roll pan and evenly spread out the batter.

Bake in heated oven for approximately 17 minutes. Allow to cool completely and add icing.

Here is what you will need...

8 oz. Cream cheese, room temperature
16 oz. powdered sugar
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 tsp. cinnamon                                                                             
1 tsp. vanilla
6 tbsp. strong brewed coffee

In a food processor, combine cream cheese and powdered sugar. Next add 5 remaining ingredients. Process well. Spread icing over cooled cake. Top with chopped pecans or toasted chopped almonds.

Step 9:

And Enjoy!!

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