Introduction: Chocolate Pina Colada Bull's Eye Pie

About: Everybody's weird because if you're not weird, you're weird for being not weird

Bull's eye pies are a great way to combine everyone's favorite pie fillings. My mom wanted chocolate cream, my grandma wanted banana cream, and I all wanted coconut cream pie, so I came up with the perfect solution for everyone, an awesome pie that  had all the flavors that we all wanted. 

Step 1: Things You Will Need

For this project you will need 3 different size bowls for the 3 different crusts. I chose...
1- 9 in pie pan
1- 7 in pyrex bowl
1- 4.5 in pyrex bowl
A few shots of PAM to keep it from sticking

For the crust I went to...            
or buy a pie crust

For the fillings you will can chose your own flavors, or if you want a chocolate pina colada pie you will need...

Coconut cream part: 
2/3 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of milk
4 beaten egg yolks
2 tablespoons of butter
2 teaspoons vanilla 
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup of whipped cream

Banana cream part:
2/3 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 cups of milk
4 beaten egg yolks
2 tablespoons of butter
1 table spoon and teaspoon of vanilla
2 sliced bananas 

Chocolate cream part:
1/4 cup of milk or cream
5 cups of whipped cream
1 table spoon tablespoon of vanilla
1 1/2 cup of chocolate chips  

FYI: These fillings are for a whole 9in pie so there will be a lot left over so if you want you can make 2 pies or just eat the filing seperately because it tastes amazing.

Step 2: Make the Crusts

Make the crust dough, roll it out, and put in in the bowls that you sprayed with PAM. Make sure to keep it more than 1/2 of the way on the inside. Put it in the oven at 375 degrees F  untill it is hard and light brown. 

Step 3: Making the Fillings

Coconut Filling
1.  Mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt together.
2.  Next, add the milk gradually.
3.  Put on medium heat untill it boils. Stir constantly to avoid burning it.
4. When it starts boiling, add the egg yolks, vanilla, and coconut. Start sturring.

Banana Filling
1.  Mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt together.
2.  Next, add the milk gradually.
3.  Put on medium heat untill it boils. Stir constantly to avoid burning it.
4.  When it starts boiling, add the egg yolks, vanilla, and add 2 mushed bananas. Get to Stirring again.

Chocolate Filling:
1.  Put the chocolate chips, milk, and vanilla in a saucepan.
2.  Turn on the stove to a very low heat.
3.  When it melts add it to a bowl of whipped cream. Stir until you have chocolate whipped cream.

Step 4: Putting It All Together

For my pie I had banana in the middle, coconut in the outter part, and chocolate in between. 

If you don't want to eat 3 crusts in the same bite you can fill the pies so the bottom is covered before putting the next layer on.  

Step 5: Serving

This pie will look really cool when it is in one piece, but the layers seperate when it is cut.
Which is good because my sister wanted the banana and chocolate, but not the coconut. 

Serious Eats Pi Day Pie Contest

Participated in the
Serious Eats Pi Day Pie Contest