Introduction: Christmas CandyCanes!
After sorting through my 'drafted' instructables for a few minutes I found this gem!
It is a simple Christmas treat for all those marzipan lovers out there!
I made these a couple of Christmases ago and gave them to my sister who LOVES marzipan!
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It is a simple Christmas treat for all those marzipan lovers out there!
I made these a couple of Christmases ago and gave them to my sister who LOVES marzipan!
Rate, Follow +adding to Guides are appreciated!
Step 1: What You Will Need:
A blob of marzipan
A blob of red pre-made icing or a blob of marzipan dyed red with 2 drops of food colouring
A knife
A Plate
A blob of red pre-made icing or a blob of marzipan dyed red with 2 drops of food colouring
A knife
A Plate
Step 2: Firstly...
Cut up the blob of icing into two (or however many candycanes you want to make)
Repeat with the marzipan
Repeat with the marzipan
Step 3: Roll
Roll the cut blobs into rods.
Make sure they are nice and evenly rolled!
Make sure they are nice and evenly rolled!
Step 4: Flatten
Flatten the red rods of icing so they are flattish! :p
Squash both rods!
Squash both rods!
Step 5: Wrap
Wrap the squished red icing loosely around the marzipan rod!
Repeat for both rods of marzipan!
Repeat for both rods of marzipan!
Step 6: Squash
Gently roll the rod around, squishing the red icing into the marzipan.
Keep going until the rods surface is completely smooth!
Repeat for both rods!
Keep going until the rods surface is completely smooth!
Repeat for both rods!
Step 7: Shape!
Shape both the rods into the classic hooked candycane shape that makes them what they are!
Step 8: Done!!!
You can refridgerate these if you want to for them to keep their shape but I served them straight away!!!
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Rate, Follow +adding to Guides are appreciated!