Introduction: Christmas Ornament, Inside Out Turning

As the silly season is almost upon us , I thought it wood be a go idea to try my hand at turning an ornament on the lathe .

Starting by ripping down some scrap pine to 4 lengths by 25 mm x 25mm. They were held together with hot glue and the inside was turn . Next the 4 blanks where pull apart and glued back together , and what was once the outside now become the inside of the ornament . Once the shape was achieved the sanding started with 120 grit and worked my way up to 1200 .Super glue (C.A.glue) was added as the first coat a light sand with 000 steel wood and then the final coat was added . Im slowly getting used to what all the lathe chisels do and what not to do with them Overall Im very pleased with the end results

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Music : Will Bangs, You make my heart sing so loud