Introduction: Christmas Tree Trunk Ornaments

About: I enjoy finding ways to make the things around me work better. I enjoy designing, building and dreaming. My favorite tool is my mind! My second would be my hands! I'm grateful for the talents I've been given…

Save your tree trunk from your Christmas tree for a fun project and way to remember your Christmas tree for years to come!

Each year I save the trunk from our family Christmas tree and use the trunk to later make ornaments. Below are the basic steps to make your own Christmas tree trunk ornament!!!

- Save the bottom portion of the trunk of your Christmas tree

- Let the trunk dry out for 6-8 months+

- Once the trunk is dry, cut a 'slice' out of the trunk (your 'slice' may warp or crack if you do not let it dry out first)

- Sand the 'slice' smooth

- Drill a hole near the end of the 'slice' for hanging

- Using a wood burner, burn the year the Christmas tree was from on the 'slice'

- Cover with varnish or clear paint

- thread a piece of ribbon through the hole in the slice and tie it in a knot

- enjoy your new ornament!