Introduction: Cinnamon Basil & Mint Dessert Pesto

About: Everything I make is done with love and imperfection.

I mistakenly planted what I thought was basil, but turned out to be cinnamon basil in a pot on my deck. My roommate thought the pot was free and planted mint a few days later.

The experiment began!

We watched our basil/mint compete against each other for space in the pot and took bets on what would win. To our surprise - they are both doing just fine! The mint is a bit smaller probably because it was planted later and then got less sun.

I looked around for a recipe to use up some of the cinnamon basil and was intrigued by this recipe. I decided to alter it to include both by cinnamon basil and mint and changed a few other ingredients as well.

This makes about 1-1/3 cups pesto.

Step 1: Ingredients

  • 1/3- 1/2 cup walnut oil
  • 1 1/2 cups firmly packed fresh cinnamon basil leaves
  • 1/2 cup firmly packed fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut
  • 1/8 cup freshly grated Asiago cheese
  • 2 teaspoons raw sugar or packed brown sugar

Step 2: Directions

In a food processor combine 1/3 cup oil, the basil, mint, walnuts coconut, cheese, and sugar.

Cover and process or blend until you reach a good consistency, stopping and scraping sides as necessary and adding more oil if you need it.

Step 3: Serve

Serve immediately or refrigerate up to 24 hours - you could also freeze the pesto without harming it.

I served the pesto over vanilla ice cream. My guests and I agreed that it would be absolutely delicious if it was served on top of a warm brownie.

This is a very unique dish that is sure to impress.