Introduction: Cinnamon and Sugar Tortillas

these super yummy treats are easy to make when ever you crave somthing sweet

Step 1: Gathering Your Materials

Brown Sugar(optional)

Step 2: Butter the Tortilla

Add a good layer of butter to the tortilla. Butter should cover about 90 percent of the tortilla.

Step 3: Add Sugar and Cinnamon

Now you will add the sugar. there should be a good amount of sugar. Enough so that the butter isnt very noticeable.

Then you will add the cinnamon. You are the judge of how much cinnamon you want but I like it with alot.

Step 4: Add Brown Sugar(optional)

If you want you can add brown sugar. If you do you are the judge of how much.

Step 5: Microwave and Enjoy

Put this in the microwave for 30 seconds. When it is done roll it up and enjoy