Introduction: Circuit Playground Express Light Gauntlet
I have made a glove that uses the power of conductive thread to act as a button on a flashlight powered by a Circiut Playground Express (CPX) for a school project
For this project you will need:
1 Circuit Playground Express
Conductive Thread
A glove
Normal thread
Step 1: Coding the CPX
To make the code for the CPX you need to go to and create a project, the basic code you need is attached above
The code above is for a left-handed person like me so feel free to adjust it
The code that I used is open to be edited and used here:
Step 2: Uploading Your Code to the CPX
Once you have the code ready to upload, open the settings Icon (The Gear at the top)
Plug in your CPX and press the button that is labeled "RESET" until it turns a solid green
Click pair and select your CPX then press "Connect"
To actually get your code onto your CPX you need to press the download on the bottom of the emulation
Wait until the NeoPixels on your CPX turn off and test it by pressing the A3 Pad like a button the press it again.
Step 3: How to Thread a Needle
The First order of business is you need to cut around 2-2 1/2 feet of thread.
Then tie a few knots on the end of the thread you cut,
To actually thread a needle you want to cut the thread to make sure that the thread isn't frail and can fit through but if you can do it then don't worry about it
The final step is that you need to pull a few inches out of the needle to make it easier to use
Step 4: Sewing the CPX in Place
*Do not use conductive thread on this part!!! USING IT WILL SHORT OUT YOUR CPX*
When you sew on your CPX do NOT sew the GND by Button B and A3 otherwise you can sew on any of the other holes
The way I sewed on my CPX was starting on the inside of the glove and poking the needle through one of the holes then crossing out of the pad/ hole and poking back into the glove, then right next poke another hole back into the top of the glove under the pad next to it
Repeat this 4 - 6 times
Make sure you can still flex your hand
Step 5: Create Chalk Lines to Figure Out Were to Put the Conductive Thread
this step is just so its easier to find were to put the thread,
put a line on one finger coming from A3 (The best ones to do it on are the index or middle fingers)
Put a line that is from GND to your thumb
Step 6: Start Stitching the Conductive Thread
Now this is the part where you can use your conductive thread to stitch on your finger
To start first put the glove on your hand and thread from A3 or GND and stitch it along the chalk line
you need to make sure that there is a little bit of slack to allow you to move your fingers
Make sure that you also stitch the thumb too
Step 7: Make Contacts on Fingertips
The whole part that makes the glove work is the contacts on your fingers
They act as a button when pressed down
Once you have stitched to your finger, make a ton of random stitches on your fingertip, Be careful.
Step 8: Power Options
For power, I am using a USB power bank plugged into the CPX running through my shirt with a long cable but you can also use the battery pack that came with the CPX by hot gluing it to your glove
Step 9: How to Use the Glove
To use the glove you need to first plug in the glove and turn it on,
you need to put the glove on after the CPX is turned on otherwise it glitches out
The step to toggle on the light is to pinch your fingers together.