Introduction: Circular Saw

This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (

Step 1: 3D Print and Assemble Parts

to start this project download the files for the 3D objects and print them. Once Printed they should be assembled to look like the drawings shown. superglue can be used to permanently connect the housing asm, housing asm 1, gaurd asm 4, blade and handle 1. Superglue should also be used to permanently attach foot asm 2, foot asm 3, foot asm 1, foot and foot asm 4 together. there should now be two separate assemblies, these two assemblies can be attached using a straightened paperclip cut to length and inserted through the holes of foot asm 3 and gaurd asm 4. this will allow the two assemblies to rotate around the paper clip.

Step 2: Write the Sketch

The code used to run the arduino must be made. a sample code is provided here. Copy this code and upload it to an arduino. the mapping may have to be adjusted based on the servos used and how much movement is desired.

Step 3: Wire the Arduino

Follow the provided wiring diagram to assemble the hardware for the project.

Step 4: Assemble the Project

to assemble the project take a box large enough to fit the electronics in. drill two holes in the side of the box for the potentiometers to fit through an d one hole in the back of the box for the power cable to go through. Cut a slit in the top of the box for the blade to slide through and attach the servo wired to pin 8 to the bottom of the lid of the box as seen in the pictures. Next push a short 18 gauge brad nail through the top of the foot near the front where the servo is. this brad nail should fit through the arm of the servo allowing the servo to move the whole assembly left and right. Next wrap a paperclip around the handle of the assembly and run the clip down through the slit in the box and attach it to the servo connected to pin 9, this will allow the servo to adjust the height of the saw. Close the box and power the arduino.