Introduction: Classic Omelette

This Instructable is for a classic omelette. Choose your favorite fillings, practice flipping, and enjoy! Remember, even if you mess up flipping, you end up with excellent scrambled eggs.


Eggs- this is a three egg omelette
Milk- optional but I prefer adding a little when stirring the eggs
Bowl for raw broken eggs and milk
Fork or whisk to stir eggs and milk
Butter- just a little, about a half teaspoon
Filling- whatever you want. This one has black beans, I prefer cheese, chopped veggies, cooked meat…
Salt and pepper to taste
Non-stick skillet
Plastic spatula AKA pancake turner
Clean fork to eat eggs with

Step 1: Prepare and Preheat

Preparation is important. Get all fillings and butter ready and within easy reach for later steps.
- break eggs into bowl, add a little milk if desired. Then stir with a fork or whisk, mixing the yolk and whites. About 60 strokes works well.
- chop/grate/prep filling. I often warm fillings except for cheese
-have butter ready
-Preheat skillet to medium, make sure the skillet and stove eye sizes match. Allow several minutes to heat.

Step 2: Start Cooking

Add butter to skillet, quickly swirl to coat skillet bottom then pour in the eggs.
-let eggs cook for about 30 seconds and then use spatula to gently push the cooked outer edges toward the center, allowing uncooked egg to run to the outer edge of the skillet. Tilting skillet a little can help.
-repeat two to three times until there is very little to no liquid egg left moving on top.
-the goal is to cook enough to flip without overcooking the bottom. If you like your eggs slightly browned cook a little more.

Step 3: The Flip and the Finale

Recommend watching the video. Here is a description:

- grasp the skillet handle and shift the eggs around quickly, but not roughly, to make sure they are mostly cooked and slide around easily.
-once sure they slide around without sticking, you are ready to flip!

- grasp the skillet handle firmly and, in one motion, lift quickly/ about three inches/ stop abruptly/ while pushing skillet slightly away from you. Quickly lower the skillet to catch the eggs when they flip over.

- slow is smooth and smooth is fast

-set skillet with flipped eggs back on stove eye, add toppings on 1/2 of eggs, and gently fold over the half with no filling so you fillings are covered.

-wait long enough for cheese to melt, slide onto plate, and enjoy the eggs and satisfaction of a good flip!

- this may take practice, remember the eggs taste great regardless of the flip and messing it up won’t hurt your…fillings!