Introduction: Cleaning a Knife

About: Keep and eye out Hollywood, Cause I'm comin'!
The knife, used for aeons by humans as a tool of war and a tool of craft. For centuries, humans have relied on a good knife for their survival. If it was dirty, the knife rusted, and if the knife rusted, they would be dead before they had time to make a new blade. Today, I'll take some time to show you how to go about cleaning a blade, so your beautiful $100 knife (see below) won't be a piece of scrap metal.

Let's get started!

(I am not responsible for any injury received following the steps of this Instructable)

Step 1: Supplies

Most of the materials needed you probably have...You will need:

-A sink

-A dirty Knife

-Rotor Oil (Used to oil valves on trumpets, cornets, baritones, etc... easily attained at Sam Ash, or where brass instruments are sold.)

-An old rag

Step 2: First Oiling

Ok, this step is basically what the title says... You want to get your oil and run a line of oil from the handle (the hand guard in my case) and stop at the end of the blade. Then, you will want to VERY carefully rub the oil out on the blade with your finger.

Repeat this step on the other side of the blade, then using your rag, carefully remove the oil.

Step 3: First Washing

This step is very important, as if it is done incorrectly, your blade is very susceptible to rusting. Turn on your faucet and put the blade under the water. When the water becomes about .5-1 in. away from the handle, turn off the water.

Why be so careful, you may ask? Well, if the water gets in between the knife and the handle, you'll have a rusty tang, and a ruined knife, just take the extra effort and don't lose your $100+ deposit on a good knife!

Step 4: Second Oiling

Now that the first oiling and washing have come, we are going to do both steps again. First, dry off your knife blade, then repeat the oiling of the knife I already taught you... now that you have re oiled and removed said oil, we can move on to the second washing...

Step 5: Second Washing

Since we have already gone over how to wash your knife off, I will remind you STOP .5-1 IN. AWAY FROM THE HANDLE! ITS WORTH THE EXTRA EFFORT TO WATCH YOUR KNIFE CAREFULLY! Dry off your blade, and we can move on...

Step 6: Small Details Cleaning

Small details... they may be small, but they are important. My knife, for instance, has a small blade for cutting hide, gutting, etc. on the spine... this small blade collects dirt easily. It is quite simple to clean. All you need to clean small details is your rag. Run the corner of the rag under water for a moment, then go to your small detail, and clean the spot with the wet corner...remove any dirt or grime, and dry off the spot.

Step 7: Final Cleaning

Throughout this Instructable, we have been focusing on the blade, but the rest of the knife is important, too. To clean your handle, simply wet the rag's corner again, and rub down the handle. Then, dry off he handle.

Most knives also have a hand guard. To shine this bit up, add a few drops of oil to another corner of the rag. Rub the other parts of knife that you would like to shine with the oily bit of the rag, and rub off the excess oil.

Step 8: Congrats!

You have finished cleaning off your knife! Now you have a shiny blade to go get dirty again! And when it does get dirty, just clean it off again!

Farewell until next time, my friend!

Future Filmaker