Introduction: Clear See Through LCD Screen

A few Days ago I Started thinking about LCD's I thought that if i remove the back part, The Backlight and the light spreading sheets, That I Would End up With a See through LCD, Because Once i saw an alarm clock with a see through screen, So I thought that It would Work For a Normal LCD.
So I Took apart my DVD Player(About 5 Years old, Does not play DVD's anymore, Note:Doing this Is Completely Undo-able) And Removed the Backlight and everything else attached to it, Until i got to the LCD, Then I Plugged it in and It Worked!
Later I Did it With an Old Laptop of mine(400MHZ 190MB of RAM, About 15 Years Old) And Was Pretty Impressed with the Results, I thought that I might Take Pictures But My Camera Is Really Bad, Its An IBM PC Camera, So Don't Expect HD Pictures or anything Close to that.
Well, be sure to Comment about it, And Tell me if you or someone you know has done this before.