Introduction: Clear Thinking

I thaught and Built.

This is how....

Step 1: Stay Concentrated & Practice It

1. Cut & Shapped this indoor Marien Plywood

2. Sheet of 3mm perspex for top,side,& front of PC

Step 2: Glueing Bracket to Main Plank

3. As one see's, i cut mini planks (top left)

4. Applying woodglue to the main plank i cut earlyer

5. Stuck Thick Wooden Strips to the Main Plank (Woodglue)

6. Cut out Base of PC

Step 3: HDD Brackets

6. board 10mm grooves into the Thick wooden strips (Mini Planks) or (HDD Bracket)

7. Screwed HDD Bracket to Base, with other steel brackets

8. Drilled Holes in the HDD Bracket for ventalation purposes

9. Board 10mm grooves into HDD brackets on main Plank

Step 4: Cutting the Perspex

Go to next step to see The PC taking a certain form (Shape)

Used a fine Thooted General use hand saw

Step 5: Taking Shape

Next, Cooling Fans...

Step 6: Cutting Perspex for Cooling Fans

Mark and Cutting Perspex for Cooling fan

I eventually borrowed a Hand Craft Drill set and cut along the red lines

Step 7: Cutting Rear of PC for Power Supply

Step 8: Mounting Power Supply

10. Messuring and Cutting for Power Supply Unit

11. Used a Jigsaw to cut a hole for power supply fan on main plank

12. Chiselling grooves for fan shield

13. I mount the pwer supply unit

Step 9: Mounting Mother Board

14. I cut a breadboard to the specifications of the M-Borad

15. Mounted the M-Board with rivets

16. I used velcro strips to mount M-Board to the main plank

Step 10: Camera Broke... (No Pictures of Other Progress)

Step 11: Here Is the Finished Project

17. Side

Side (a)

Side (b)

Side (c)

Side (d)

18. Front

Front (a)

19. .Rear

Rear (a)

Rear (b)

Step 12: Thank You for You're Time...........