Introduction: Clearance Help for Wheelchair Patients
This instructable shows you how to make a clearance help, making the life of wheelchair patients a lot easier.
The board can be placed on the lap of the patient. This board is a platter for stacking a various amount of products such as cups, boards,... when moving from one place to another.
This clearance help is a light but firm, a grip-packed but not too much and a simple but aesthetic product when following all of the steps.
Step 1: Ordering the Personalized Bambooboard.
The first step of the proces is making the bambooboard (bamboo is very light). Since a 5mm bambooboard isn't a regular product which can be found in warehouses/ other stores, buying it online is the easiest way:
Go to: (see photo 2)
On this site you'll create an account (you can also continue with your google-account).
Once logged in you'll see a screen (see photo 3) which gives you a big white area where you can "drop your .dxf .pdf or .ai files here".
Download the following file and drag it in the white area: ""
Now you'll see a page on which you can choose the materials (see 4th video).
Add the material: "Solid bamboo caramel 5mm" and click the following options: "Also deliver inside shapes" & "keep grain direction horizontal". If still some uncertainties, check the last photo ;)
Now "add to cart" and finish your payment!
Your board will be delivered at home the following days (depending on the country you live in).
Step 2: Buying the Remaining Necessary Products/ Materials
To continue with the making of our clearance help, we still need some materials and tools.
First of all let's list all of the tools we need:
1. Fabric scissors (see photo 2)
2. Sewing machine and thread (see photo 3)
Now let's look at the materials en parts we need to assemble the product:
1. Ornamental zipper of at least 40 cm (see photo 4)
2. Two sheets of leather, each with a width of at least 30 cm and a length of at least 40 cm (see photo 5)
Where to find it?
1. Fabric scissors: These can be bought in nearly every DIY-shop or stitching-related store. If still the product can't be found; search online and you'll find an enormous amount of fabric scissors for sale. For instance:
2. Sewing machine: This can also be found in every DIY-shop or stitching-related store. If you can't find one, ask friends or family to use theirs since this is a product that most of the people own at home. If not; the internet :) For instance:
3. Ornamental zipper: Search for this product in clothstores, stitching-related shops or recover one out of your old jackets or sweaters! If not found, go online! For instance:
4. Sheets of leather: Leather is more difficult to find since only few companies sell leather in large sizes. We went to a tailor in Ghent who works with leather. The shop was called "Leder Reyne" and was situated in the heart of Ghent. Is this too far for you? Do some research to find nearby leather tailors. Still didn't find anything? Search and buy online! For instance:
Step 3: Sewing
1. Draw the pattern on the opposite side of the leather. Do this twice. (check picture 2 for the pattern parts of leather).
2. Open the zipper in 2 parts. Insert the zipper foot. Put part 1 of the zipper with the right hand side on the opposite side of the leather. Sew the zipper fixed. Do the same with the other part of the zipper and the other piece of leather. (check picture 3)
3. Close the zipper
4. Insert the normal foot. Sew the 2 leather pieces with the opposite sides together with seam value 5mm (check picture 4).
5. Cut (check picture5).
6. Put the bambooboard into the leather cover