Introduction: Cloning: Propagating Your Cannabis Crop
You will need:
Humidity Dome
Fluorescent Lighting
Plug Trays
Peat moss plugs
Shot Glass
Watering Can
Spray Bottle
Before you begin:
Water your mother plant with clean and PH balanced water 24 hours before taking cuttings, refer to step one for tips on plant selection.
Prepare your work space and soak the peat moss plugs in water, then place them into trays. While you're at it, prepare the shot glass by squeezing in a glob of Clonex rooting hormone gel. Note that it is best to clone a first generation (from seed) plant. The further away from generation 1, the more deteriorated your plant's genes become.
Step 1: Clone Selection
We begin by selecting a mother plant. A good mother plant candidate will be healthy, strong, lush, and green. I like to pick my favorite plants for cloning, it only makes sense that the strongest should live on. After choosing a mother plant, we need to locate the smaller twigs towards the bottom of the plant. These are the best to pick from because they will not yield much anyways, and it gives room for air to flow underneath the canopy of your plants, making it easier for the tops to thrive. A good clone candidate will have at least one fan leaf (the classic pot leaf) and a node (a place where the branch has split into two or more branches).
Step 2: Taking Cuttings
After selecting a mother plant and locating clone candidates, its time to take cuttings. To do this properly, make sure to cut, what will be the stem, at a 45-60 degree angle. This is important because it gives the most surface area to the cutting where it will be dipped in the root growth hormone. Cut the stem below the node, such that when placed into its plug the clone will be tall enough to compete with the other clones for sunlight. If you need to, trim the stem of any other leaves or growth that will end up underground. Smaller clones require less water and have a better success rate, whereas larger clones get a bigger head start. Personally, I like to take both large and small cuttings, and arrange them appropriately in the dome so they all get light.
Step 3: Planting the Cuttings
Now we dip one cutting at a time into the shot glass with Clonex, and place them straight into a plug. Be very generous when applying the rooting gel, the more the better. Repeat this process for all of your cuttings, and when all of the cuttings are planted, its time to wait.
Step 4: The Waiting Game
When the cuttings have all been planted, find a suitable location for growing. If indoors, find a warm, dark, and dry place near a power outlet. I like closets the best. Give the clones a good watering (only fill the tray up to 1/4 at a maximum, then spray the inside of the dome with your spray bottle (you may need a partner for this) such that when you close the lid, much of the mist is trapped inside. Make sure the vents on the lid are completely closed. Place the light over the dome, plug it in and turn it on. If growing outdoors then do all of that except plugging in a light. We only water our clones a little bit because when roots grow, they chase the water, water must go away in order for this to happen. Check back on your clones every day for one week. Spot check a few of the plugs for signs of root growth, you may need to pinch the plugs to pull them out of the trays. If you don’t see any roots, leave them for another week with the vents opened, this allows for water to begin evaporating. When the clones have visual signs of roots, then it is time to transplant them into slightly bigger pots or into their permanent pots.