Introduction: Cloud Hoppers - Arduino Weather Station
Simple Arduino Uno Weather Station with Ethernet web access using cheep Maplin sensors :) see PDF for description and Arduino code. You will need 1 Arduino Uno and the Ethernet shield + some strip board or a bread board to connect up the sensors. It will be powered from its own USB 5v supply :)
Please note the code is not perfect but it does work so give it a go :)
Step 1: Program the Arduino Uno With the Code Below:
Step 2: Wire Up the Sensors.
Wire up the sensor using the diagram shown.
We are using Maplin sensors part numbers:
Anemometer £2.49 part number :- N25FR
Wind direction sensor £9.99:-N96FY
Step 3:
Here are the files for the full PDF description and the Ardunio code :)