Introduction: CloudLamp

About: student at Howest MCT

I am a student at Howest Kortrijk. To show what we have learned in the end of the year we had to make a project. I chose to make a smart lamp in the shape of a cloud. I came up with this idea because I've wanted to make a cloudlamp for my sisters birthday. But I didn't have the time nor the skills to make it. At the end of the year I had learned so much that I could even make a better/smarter version of a cloudlamp.

The CloudLamp is a smart lamp in the shape of a cloud.

It has a lot of functionalities.

It had sensors to measure the indoor air quality. It measures:

  • CO2 concentration (in ppm)
  • Relative humidity (in %)
  • Temperature (in °C)

On the website you can see weather reports of your chosen locations. The color of the lamp adapts to the weather of the selected location. For my weatherdata I use the openweathermaps API.

There is also a microphone built in so you can change the location of the cloud with 2 claps. And the lcd display shows you the location of the lamp and the weather description. You can see it here.

The lamp has 5 different weather modes:

  • sunny
  • snow
  • rain
  • cloudy
  • Partially cloudy

  • storm


You can find almost everything in a DIY store.

The total cost for me was around €220.

for this project you need:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 model B
  • Humidity and Temperature Sensor - DHT11
  • Adafruit CCS811 Air Quality Sensor Breakout
  • pillow filling
  • 5l water bottle
  • rgb ledstrip
  • transistors
  • LCD 16X2
  • KY-038 microphone
  • 8GB micro SD card
  • 470-OHM Resistors
  • Female - Female wires
  • Female - Male wires
  • Male - Male wires
  • glue gun
  • PCB

Step 1: Creating a Fritzing Schema

In order to utilize the CSS811 there are some extra configurations required. You can find everything here. The DHT11 is a onewire component. I used a library to program it. It’s a mess if you want to program it yourself, so I highly recommend using a library: Adafruit DHT

I use serial communication over the USB between the raspberry pi and Arduino. My lcd display and led strips are connected to the Arduino and my DHt11, microphone and ccs811 are connected to the raspberry.

Step 2: Making a Database

Here you can see my database model.

I hosted this database on my Raspberry pi using MariaDB.

My database had 3 tables , 1 for my sensors , 1 for logging the data. and 1 for all of the locations of the openweathermaps API.

Step 3: Building My Setup and Programming

Before soldering it all together I used my breadboard to link everything together and test my sensors and led strips. You can find my code on github.

Step 4: Making My Site

In order to show the data of my sensors and the openweathermaps API, I made a site that neatly displays everything.

Step 5: Building My Case

Once you have finished all the steps successfully,

you can start building the case. In order to do so I highly recommend you to solder your components together so they can’t be disconnected by accident. In the images above you can see some steps I have taken to make my case. First I soldered everything together, then I could put every component into a big 5 liter water bottle. Finally I used hot glue to stick pillow filling on to bottle.