Introduction: Clouds in a Jar
Creating clouds is a fun and easy experiment to do by using household materials. You are experimenting with heat, cooling, and condensation within the atmosphere to create a cloud. Mixing warm air from the hot water with the coolness of the ice is creating a water vapor. This water vapor wants to condense on a surface, which is where the hairspray comes into play. This aerosol creates a cloud condensation nuclei, which is a surface where the water is able to condense. This creates a cloud inside of the jar.
- Boiling water can cause serious burns to the skin.
- If you are 13 years old or younger please ask an adult to boil and pour the water for the experiment.
- Hairspray is extremely flammable. Keep all aerosol sprays away from open flames (Stove top burners).
- Hair spray can cause serious respiratory problems if it is inhaled.
- Make sure that the hair spray nozzle is pointed in a safe direction at all times. In this experiment, make sure that the nozzle is pointed down into the mason jar to avoid potential injuries.
- Be careful when handling the mason jar after the hot water has been poured. The jar will become hot, and my cause burns if not handled appropriately.
- In case of an accident where glass is broken during the experiment, ask for help from an adult in order to clean up the mess safely.
- Use a dustpan and broom when cleaning up broken glass.
- Do not use your bare hand to clean up broken glass. Glass shards are very sharp and will cause injury if handled improperly.
Step 1: Gather the Materials Listed Below.
For this project, you will need:
- Hairspray
- A mason jar with an attachable lid
- Ruler
- Hot water
- Ice
Make sure that you have all of these materials together before you begin, because the timing between steps is very important.
- Boiling water can cause serious burns to the skin. If you are 13 years old or younger please ask an adult to boil and pour the water for the experiment.
Hairspray is extremely flammable. Keep all aerosol sprays away from open flames. (Stove top burners)
Hairspray can cause serious respiratory problems if it is inhaled. Make sure that the hair spray nozzle is pointed in a safe direction at all times. In this experiment, make sure that the nozzle is pointed down into the mason jar to avoid potential injuries.
Be careful when handling the mason jar after the hot water has been poured. The jar will become hot, and my cause burns if not handled appropriately.
In case of an accident where glass is broken during the experiment, ask for help from an adult in order to clean up the mess safely.
Use a dustpan and broom when cleaning up broken glass. Do not use your bare hand to clean up broken glass. Glass shards are very sharp and will cause injury if handled improperly.
Step 2: Pour Approximately 2 Cm of Boiling Water in a Mason Jar With the Help of an Adult, If Needed.
SafetyWarning : Boiling water will cause serious injuries to the skin if poured unsafely. Get help pouring if needed.
Helpful tip: Use a ruler while pouring to increase your accuracy when measuring 2 cm of water. Going over the suggested amount wont hurt the experiment, but try not to add more than an inch of water.
Step 3: Secure the Lid on the Mason Jar.
Step 4: Swirl the Jar for 10 Seconds. This Ensures That the Entirety of the Jar Is Warm.
Step 5: Feel the Sides of the Jar From the Outside to Check If It Is Warm. If the Jar Is Not Warm, Repeat Step 4 With Additional Boiling Water.
Safety Warning:
Please Do NOT place a finger inside the jar.
Step 6: Remove the Lid.
Step 7: Place Lid Upside Down on the Jar, Making Sure to Block Access From Any Outside Air Getting Inside of the Jar.
Step 8: Fill the Lid With Ice.
Step 9: Wait for 5 Seconds and Allow the Cool Air From the Ice to Sink Into the Jar.
Step 10: Remove the Lid.
Step 11: Spray the Surface of the Water With Hairspray Three Times With Each Squirt Being About a Second Long.
Safety Warning: Do not inhale hair spray will performing the experiment. Make sure to point the nozzle of the can down into the jar, and away from your eyes and mouth. Inhaling hair spray can cause serious health problems, so be very careful while performing this step. Get help if needed.