Introduction: Cloudy Pipe Lamp - Integration of Sensors and Interaction in Product Design

RGB LEDs 5V (WS2812B ) and Arduino Rainbow Lamp Project


Bill of Materials (BOM)

1) Addressable ( not necessarily addressable ) RGB LEDs 5V (WS2812B)

2) Portable battery with MicroUSB connection or a MicroUSB power adapter with plug

3) Arduino Uno Set

4) Power Cord

5) Soldering Wire and Solder

6) Macarons

7) On/Off Button

8) Waste Water Pipe and Cotton

9) Adhesive

Step 1: Led Connection

First of all, since the LED is not addressable, the 3 wire ends are soldered and fixed to the LED strip tip.

While 3 leads are soldered to the LED strip, the other ends are soldered with the arduino wire.

5V --> 5V ( red )

GND ( ground ) --> GND ( white )

6 -- > DIN ( green-blue )

The 3 wires soldered to the LED are fixed by heating macaron the tubing.

Step 2: Arduino Setup

You need the following libraries for this project :

We can change the number of leds and the speed of the rainbow colors and effect. But since there is one Arduino with this LED, we cannot burn more than 30 LEDs.

1) FastLED:

2) #include <FastLED.h>

// LED strip parameters

#define LED_PIN 6     // Pin connected to the data input of the LED strip

#define LED_COUNT 20   // Number of LEDs in the strip


// Rainbow parameters

uint8_t hue = 0;      // Starting hue value

void setup() {

 FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, LED_COUNT);



void loop() {




void rainbowEffect() {

 for (int i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {

  leds[i] = CHSV(hue + (i * 255 / LED_COUNT), 255, 255);




Step 3: Connection 2

Connecting the MicroUSB power adapter with plug for 5V with the on of button.

At this stage, I checked the currents with a current meter, in order not to damage the arduino.

At this point, only the key and adapter cable connection is sufficient as + -. It connects directly to the Arduino via the USB adapter port.

Step 4: Modeling Part - Waste Water Pipe and Cotton

After placing the support board for the arduino in the pipe, space was made for the key and cable with a drill.

Priming + white paint spray

Step 5: Final Look and Video

Step 6: