Introduction: Coffee Break Tool Kit and Perfect for Your Car Cup Holder

About: I have a passion for building or improving everything. Most things I make I like to be different or go over the top on the design.

I was inspired to create this Instructable from this project. Mini Tool Kit

I have an addiction to buying multi-tools every time I'm at the store, but they always ended up scattered in the house buried in drawers. I got one of the novelty bucket organizers as a gift. They were for putting on a coffee mug and storing your pencils on your desk. I decided to use it in the same way as I use the full size version. I decided it needed a couple of modifications and a good assortment of tools.

Step 1: Grab All the Goodies

Purchase a Mini bucket organizer. A quick web search should find you one.

Find all your little tools and multi tools

Find the perfect cup. For this try and find the biggest cup you can get the organizer to fit around.

Step 2:

Cut the cup down for the perfect fit.

Add a handle. I just used zip-ties for the handle

I also put foam in the bottom to keep the tools from falling to far down to reach.

Step 3: Add All Your Tools

Now you just have to add all your tools or as many as you can fit

If you use clips you can clip them around the handle to get a couple of extra tools on.

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