Introduction: Coffee Filter Wreath With Coffee Filter Roses

About: The Preval Sprayer is an economical and versatile tool that's great for use in DIY craft projects, home decorating and even home renovating. See what amazing things you can do with the Preval Sprayer in our In…
Who knew coffee filters could be this versatile? This is one spectacularly fun Springtime project that won't break the bank. Most tutorials tell you to dip filters into watered down paint. But spraying makes this project fast and far less messy.

Here's what you'll need ...

-- A 12" foam wreath
-- 200 coffee filters
-- Craft Smart acrylic paint, "Citron" --
-- Craft Smart acrylic paint, "Phtalo Red" --
-- Hot glue gun
-- Glue sticks
-- Preval Sprayer --
-- Scissors
-- Funnel
-- Water

Careful! Use a low-heat glue gun to protect your fingers from burns.