Introduction: Coin Ring

About: Self learning person dreaming of engineering

There are many great video's on people's techniques and tips, them,...but doing is the only way to get these uniform.

Step 1: Step One

1. Start with the coin of your choice,...quarters are good to start with.

2. Stamp a hole in the center of the coin

3. Using tweezers, hold coin in a flame until it glows,...then drop in water

Step 2: Step 2

one in water it is immediately cool to the touch......

Place on a ring mandrel and start pounding (downwards) with a plastic hammer.

-------=this is the challenge and determination part---------

continue to hammer until one size below your desired ring sizing.

then remove coin/ring place on mandrel other side down.

Hammer to desired diameter and then smooth out with sanding blocks!

Cheap but labor intensive!!!