Introduction: Collage Key Hangers

A long time, I struggled to find my car keys at how “Are they in my used trousers? Are they in my jacket? Are they in my room?” these were questions that I asked myself each morning while trying to find them until one day I went to the store to buy a key hanger until I saw “49.99 $” and I left disappointed, when I arrived home I saw some leftover cardboard and decided to do one myself, this was the creative result.

Step 1:

Get all the following materials

-Cardboard face

-2 sheets of white paper




-Glue Stick

-Hot glue gun

- 2 Hooks

-1 Spiral nail

-Tru Film Aca Plastic

Step 2:

Take a big piece of cardboard and cut it into the shape of a face.

Step 3:

Grab two pieces of white paper.

Step 4:

With the scissors carefully cut both of the traced faces.

Step 5:

With the scissors carefully cut both of the traced faces.

Step 6:

Take the glue stick and put some in the back of the papers.

Step 7:

Carefully place one of the papers on the cardboard face.

Step 8:

Then place the other on top of the first one

Step 9:

Take the magazines and the scissors

Step 10:

Then cut all the needed pieces of your collage (e.g. Eyes, Mouth, Nose, Hair, etc)

Step 11:

Paste all the magazine pieces in the cardboard face to create your collage.

Step 12:

When you finish your collage take the Tru Film Aca Plastic and carefully spray it to the collage from a distance of 20cm.

Step 13:

With the hot glue gun pastes the hooks and the spiral nail at the back of the cardboard collage.

Step 14:

Done !!! you have your brand new custom collage key hanger.