Introduction: Colorful Virgin Drink

About: I am a Makeup Artist, crafter, party lover and mother.

My husband loves to try out different kind of drinks. We don't drink alcohol so we get to experiment with lots of ingredients that are safe even for a kid. This drink is one of his favorites and I added a colorful ice cube to make it more fun.

Step 1: Ingredients

1 liter of water


Mineral water

Lime Kool Aid

Food coloring (your choice of color)

Ice cube tray

Step 2: Ice Cubes

Make this a night before.

Pour your Kool aid in your water and mix well. Fill an ice cube tray with the lemonade and add some food coloring to make it have more color.

This is to make your drink very refreshing, colorful and full of flavor as you won't have a diluted drink with regular water ice cubes.

Step 3: Serve

Fill half of the glass with lemonade and the other half with mineral water.

Add a little trickle of grenadine. This is a sweetener used in drinks that gives a lot of color and looks great because it stays in the bottom of the glass.

Add a couple of ice cubes and enjoy!