Introduction: Colourful Key Chains-Rainbow
Inspired by Lydia chen's book about "The complete book of chinese knotting" my interest in making a set of colourful panchang knot key chains has originated.By having different colours of threads for the knots the different rooms can be identified, additionally a colour can also indicate the direction of the room, example-green for east and so on
Step 1: Rainbow Contest
Step 1:..........
Material required;............ various colour satin cord, coir board, pins, tweezers, beads, key ring split ring
Step 2:.......
satin cord is woven as in the figure 3, 4 & 5 (Warp & weft)
Step 3:.......
Remove the pins and tighten the cords as in fig 5a to achive the panchang knot as in fig 6
Step 4:......
attach the beads to the ends - fig 7
Step 5:.....
repeat all the steps with various colour cords