Introduction: Compact Light Difuser

About: Social Media Consultant, Graphic Designer & Geek-of-all-Trades. Let's make the future brighter! #marketing #consultant #periscope *** From the mind, body and soul of Jerry Witman A…
How to make a cheap and easy Light Difuser for under $20!

This project started out as an adjustable light difuser that was going to be hexagon shaped. That didn't work the way I planned! So I reverted it to a simple version I learned in college.

Step 1: Part List

(2) 8 foot PVC pipes 1/2" diameter
(4) 1/2" PVC 90 degree elbow joints
(4) 1/2" PVC extention joints
(1) 1/4" bungie cord 20' in length
(1) 1 white bed sheet ($3.00 Walmart)
(1) Package of Sheet clips ($1.00 Walmart)

I used a PCV cutter I have sitting in my garage but you can have the hardware store cut the pieces for you.

Step 2: Simple Construction (Frame)

Cut the PVC pipes into 24" sections (8) pieces in total.

Feed the bungie cord through:

one pipe, one elbow joint, one pipe, one extention joint.

Repeat the process until you have a complete square.

Once you have your square complete tighten all of your connections except the last connection. You need to tighten the cord and tie it into a very tight double knot.

*Note the knot must be small enough to fit in the last elbow joint and still leave enough room for the joint to close.

Step 3: Simple Construction (Screen)

Lay the sheet on the floor.

Place the frame on top of the sheet.

Cut around the frame leaving 2-4" allowance so the sheet can fold over your frame.

Add the Sheet clips to all for corners and adjust them until the sheet is tight!

Tada, you are finished with your very own light difuser.

Step 4: Additional Notes

After completing my difuser, I wanted an easy way to transport it to and from my set locations.

I took an old dog collar clipped around the closed frame,tighten it down as far as I could get it then taped off the slack as a handle. (I tapped all but the last inch of the slack so I could hang the frame by the loop in my workshop.)

When I make another difuser I plan on sewig pockets into the sheet on all four corners. This will eliminate the need for the sheet clips and make for a faster assembly time and sturdier canvas.

And finally, while this is primarily used as a Difuser for sun light or direct light is can also be used as a color filter. Check out your local fabric store for colored Lam�r other opaque materials. You could even get metalic materials and make your difuser into a reflector! (But why go through all that work when you could just buy a $5.00 windshield reflector in Gold and silver!!!)

Oh and PVC Snap Ts are great to mount difusers to a tripod, but that is for another Instructable.
