Introduction: Competitor Rival 107 Preview

About: Hello. I'm JonnyBGood! I'm a college student who now has a degree in Mechanical Engineer Technology. (MET) (excessively worded to mean a person who builds stuff).I enjoy building K'nex guns and many other thin…
Well another longer than expected project, but one I am very pleased to present to you today. Here is Competitor Rival 107! As you can tell by the name, I used dimensions of the AR pistol MK 107 which was displayed on the front cover of a gun magazine on my store. At first I thought the concept of an AR pistol was a real life version of an oxymoron, but after a while of reading and thought I liked the idea. As the magazine came down off the sales floor, I began building. This gun is finished and ready for k'nex war 2013 with a large white rod magazine, a flip up red dot sight, and a nice range of at least 40 feet. I love this gun and I hope you will too here is the stats that the majority of you will read.

Great range over 40ft.
Good looks in my opinion
New magazine with internal mag pusher and a easy load slide
Flip up red dot sight
Lots of tatical rail length
Trigger guard and a strong trigger mechanism

Barrel does not look the best. Built for function.
white rods act like blue rods. Some shoot well, others don't you know how that goes.
You tell me. Something I need to work on? Comment about it.

Thanks for viewing! Ible' coming before the contest ends so please vote for my entries: Rockem Sockem Robots, Zip, and Shift!

<Update> Some internal pictures or the gun and some band placement pics>