Introduction: Completely 3D Printed Scissor Jack

This instructable will show you how to print and assemble the completely 3D printed scissor jack.

Step 1: Printing the Parts (Getting the STL Files and Making Them Into G Code)

The STL files are available here:

After downloading the files from the button near the bottom of the page you need to get a software that can generate G-Code from STL format files. I will be using Simplify 3D, as it is a slicer that I know works with my 3D printer.

Step 2: Assembly (Screws)

After you have printed both of the large screw parts, you need to put them together. Simply align the threads of each part and insert the extruded rectangle into the intruded rectangle. I recommend using some sort of adhesive to keep these two parts together, but it is not required.

Step 3: Assembly (Lower Body)

After you have printed the rest of the parts set them out in an organized format. This will make it easier to see what parts are required.

Obtain the larger of the two bases and set it in the center of your building area. Grab two arms, one of each gear type, and set the geared side into one of the slots. Do this again with the other slot. Then obtain two of the pins and insert them through the holes. Grab two of the small nuts and screw them onto the threaded part of the pins.

Step 4: Assembly (Side Holders)

Get the two smaller body pieces (one is threaded and one is not threaded) and set them near your current assembly. Arrange them within the four arms as depicted above. Obtain two more pins and inset them into the holes. Then, get two nuts and screw them onto the threaded portion of the pins.

Step 5: Assembly (Upper Body)

Do the same thing as you did with the lower body to assemble the upper body but this time use the smaller base piece.

Step 6: Assembly (Connecting the Two Bodies)

Put the upper body on top of the lower body and arrange the arms as depicted. Then, obtain two more pins and insert them as before. Then all you need to do is get the nuts and screw them onto the threaded portion of the pins.

Step 7: Assembly (Inserting the Screw)

Now all you need to do is insert the screw into the device along with the last large nut. Do this by pushing the screw through the non-threaded side of the scissor jack like depicted above. Then, screw the nut onto the end of the screw. Precede to push the screw to the other side of the jack until it comes in contact with the threaded hole. Screw the screw through this hole until it protrudes out the other side. Then rotate the nut until it lightly contacts the non-threaded side. Congratulations you now have a complete scissor jack.