Introduction: Computer Controlled Window Blinds
This project uses the 433 mhz transmitters and receivers from Sparkfun to control window blinds from my Mac, and thus from my home with Insteon and Indigo/Serial Bridge.
The blinds are turned by a small servo, using a 5.5mm socket as the mechanical connection.
The only wire to the blinds is a power wire, in this case I used USB because the cables are robust and come in white.
Each blind is individually controllable, as well as in groups and an "All Blinds Open" and "All Blinds Close" command.
Each blind also has a temperature sensor, and two LDRs (one facing in, one facing out). I don't do anything with those yet, but I added them in case I want to add functionality later.
PICAXEs are used for the microcontrollers. A 14m and 08m in each blind, and a 28x2 and 08m for the controller. Each blind also has a manual switch to open/close the blinds when you are standing next to them (required by my wife, not shown in the video).
Each blind has five settings: closed, cracked for light, more light, even more light, and fully open.
Code can be found on the PICAXE forum.
Happy Instructing,
The blinds are turned by a small servo, using a 5.5mm socket as the mechanical connection.
The only wire to the blinds is a power wire, in this case I used USB because the cables are robust and come in white.
Each blind is individually controllable, as well as in groups and an "All Blinds Open" and "All Blinds Close" command.
Each blind also has a temperature sensor, and two LDRs (one facing in, one facing out). I don't do anything with those yet, but I added them in case I want to add functionality later.
PICAXEs are used for the microcontrollers. A 14m and 08m in each blind, and a 28x2 and 08m for the controller. Each blind also has a manual switch to open/close the blinds when you are standing next to them (required by my wife, not shown in the video).
Each blind has five settings: closed, cracked for light, more light, even more light, and fully open.
Code can be found on the PICAXE forum.
Happy Instructing,