Introduction: Computer + Paper = Magic

Why should the old be forgotten when the new arrives. Why couldn't we merge them in some way to create a new kinds of objects that satisfies one need: the need for magic.

With this instructiable you will make a paper computer + keyboard.
Three of the keys on the paper keyboard are wired to an Arduino board. When you bring a magnet near any of these keys, it will make the carousel inside the computer turn to display a scene that starts with that letter. For example: B is for Bakery and F is for forest. When not key is "pressed" the carousel is aligned with the displays that read "hello world".
For the carousel we will make 3 tunnel books. I will cover how to make this last, but you can start thinking what kind of scenes you may want to make.

Project parts

1. putting together the circuitry and gears
2. assembling a paper computer + keyboard from a PDF file
3. Making 3 tunnel books

Step 1: Ingredients


1. 3 reed switches( you can find them at Sparkfun)
2. Arduino board + bread board (if you don't want to solder stuff)
3. Wire wrap 28 gauge ( you can use a thicker wire here if you want to)
4. Wire wrapper (this is not necessary, but nice to have)
5. male header pins
6. earth magnet
7. servo motor

:::Computer + keyboard + books:::

1. Four sheet of paper 24 x 36 ( you can have different size paper)
2. Laser cutter or exact o knife
3. Elmer's glue
4. Color + black pencils
5. Scoring knife (see picture bellow)


1. masonite
2. laser cutter or wood working tools
3. 3 blocks of wood ( 2x4x4, 1 x1 x 2, 1 x 1x 2)
4. balsa round stick (this has to match the center of the gear)

Step 2: First Part: the Circuit

1. Wire each side of a reed switch with the wire wrap to a header pin
2. One sides goes to ground and the other to inputs 1, 2, and 3 on  the Arduino (remember like any switch we need to have a 10 K resistor in between the input + 5V) see picture below. The wiring is the same even though the one in the picture is a push button.
3. Connect each wire of the servo motor to GROUND + 5V + OUTPUT pin 9 in the Arduino board

Step 3: Code

:::This code is a variation of the Sweep code by Barragan:::
Copy the code below

// Sweep
// by BARRAGAN// Sweep
// by BARRAGAN <>

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
                // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created
int pos = 0;//servo value
int inputPin1 = 1;//swiches
int inputPin2 = 2;
int inputPin3 = 3;
int val1 = 0;
int val2 = 0;
int val3 = 0;//values for the switches

// variable to store the servo position
void setup()
  pinMode(inputPin1, INPUT);
  pinMode(inputPin2, INPUT);
  pinMode(inputPin3, INPUT);
  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop() {
 val1 = digitalRead(inputPin1);
 val2 = digitalRead(inputPin2);
 val3 = digitalRead(inputPin3);
  if (val1 == LOW && val2 == HIGH && val3 == HIGH) {                                // in steps of 1 degree
    myservo.write(pos = 44);
  else if (val2 == LOW && val1 == HIGH && val3 == HIGH) {
    myservo.write(pos = 89);
   else if (val3 == LOW && val1 == HIGH && val2 == HIGH) {
    myservo.write(pos = 134);
    myservo.write(pos = 179);

Step 4: Test Your Circuit

1. Cut out a small paper disk make markings
2. Bring close to each of the reed switches the magnet
3. your servo should move in response by moving from 0º to either 45º. 90º or 179º.

Step 5: The Larger Picture

:::View from the back:::
Eventually your servo will move two gears in response of the magnet been brought close to a key containing a reed switch.
These gears will move the carousel set on top of them 360º

Step 6: Download PDF for Computer + Keyboard

Step 7: Download PDF for the Two Gears


Step 8: Let's Put the Computer + Keyboard Together

to be continued...